우리 GEO DATA가 학술적 성과를 인정받아 2024년 12월 20일, 등재학술지로 승격되었습니다.
- 학회소식 [GAIDAS] GEO DATA 제6권 제4호(2024년 12월) 출판 안내 Volume 6(4); December 2024 http://geodata.kr - Current Issue: http://geodata.kr/articles/current.php- Aims and Scope: http://geodata.kr/about/ We are pleased to deliver table of contents alert for GEO DATAGEO DATA Open access articles are now available at http://geodata.kr Volume 6(4); Dec 2024 Table of Contents Alert Editorial Note Editorial Note Kidong Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0131 PDF Data Articles The Spatial Distribution of Wetland Preference of Vegetation in River Type Wetland Protected Area Jong-Hak Yun, Yeonhui Jang, Jeong Ho Hwang, Haeseon Shin DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0025 PDF Dataset Construction for Monitoring the Effects of Ecosystem Restoration Projects Soyeon Cho, Nahyun Ahn, Jaegyu Cha DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0027 PDF Constructing the Spatial Data to Forecast Potential Habitat for Amphibians and Reptiles under Climate Change Man-Seok Shin, Sung-Ryong Kang, Bo-Ra Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0028 PDF A Study on the Spatial Information Compilation of Inland Wetlands in South Korea Chang-Su Lee, Haeseon Shin, Hyeongcheol Lee, Yijung Kim, Sanghun Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0034 PDF Expanded Bioclimatic Variables Extracted from Monthly Climate Predictions under the SSP Climate Scenarios over South Korea Jieun Oh, Ah Reum Han, Yeong-cheol Kim, Seungbum Hong DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0018 PDF Research on Area Change of Coastal Sand Dunes Based on the Dune Boundary Data in South Korea Jihyun Kang, Seonghun Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0014 PDF Insect Fauna of Estuary Wetlands in Sacheon City: Ga-Hwa Cheon, Gon-Yang Cheon Minhyeok Won, Yeounsu Chu, Sanghun Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0026 PDF Changes in Fish Fauna and Community Analysis in Upo Wetland Protection Area, South Korea Su Hwan Kim, Young-Jin Yun, Dae-Yeol Bae, Sangwook Han, Yeounsu Chu DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0030 PDF Analysis of the Geographic Environment Characteristics of Mountain Wetlands in Gyeongsangnam-do Mi-Jeong Kim, Yeon Hui Jang, Jong-Hak Yun, Soo-Dong Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0029 PDF Preparation an Ecological Map Using Data from the Third Survey on National Environment Eui-Jeong Ko, Taeho Kang, Hye-Yeon Yoon DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0130 PDF Wetland Preferences of Plants Distributed in Wetland Protection Areas on Jeju-do, Korea Mi Ju Son, Jong-Hak Yun DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0033 PDF Land Use in the Surrounding Area of Lake-type Wetland Protection Areas Yeon Hui Jang, Jong-Hak Yun DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0032 PDF Fish Diversity of East Sea Streams in Han River Region Jeong Ho Hwang, Jong-Hak Yun DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0031 PDF Status of Flora on Gochang Ungok and Gochang Incheon River Estuarine Protected Wetland Areas Hyeongcheol Lee, Chang-Su Lee, Sanghun Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0042 PDF The Funga of Higher Fungi of Mountain Minjuji in Korea Eunsu Park, Sangyoung Park, Sohee Kim, Eunjin Kim, Hwa-Yong Lee, Ju-Kyeong Eo DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0037 PDF Data on the Ecological Composition and Functional Distribution of Insect Communities in Onshore Wind Farms Jin Lee, Sung-soo Kim, Do-hun Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0043 PDF Temporal Patterns of Cicada Emergence in Two Urban Parks Jae-Yeon Kang, Heejo Lee, Yong-Su Kwon DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0047 PDF Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Subalpine Plant Habitat Suitability in South Korea Using SSP Scenarios Jaeho Lee, Sungsoo Yoon, Jaeseok Lee, Changwan Seo DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0055 PDF Predicting Habitat Changes and Vulnerability of Climate-sensitive Insects under SSP Scenarios Jaeho Lee, Jin Lee, Sungsoo Yoon, Jaeseok Lee, Changwan Seo DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0057 PDF Distribution Status of Ecosystem-disturbing Species in Protected Wetland Areas Yijung Kim, Chang-Su Lee, Haeseon Shin, Sangwook Han, Sanghun Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0035 PDF Occurrence Status of Legally Protected Species in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports Joohyun Seo, Hae-Ran Kim, Minho Chang, Nanghee Kim, Jinjoo Na, HaEun Lee, Jaegyu Cha, Jungkwon Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0056 PDF Climate Change Impacts on the Potential Distribution of Camellia japonica in South Korea under SSP Scenarios Jaeho Lee, Sungsoo Yoon, Jaeseok Lee, Changwan Seo DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0058 PDF Status of Mammals Entrapment in Open Irrigation Canals Jiyoun Kim, Hanbi Lee, Kihyun Kim, Sehee Kim, Euigeun Song DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0062 PDF Changes in Landcover and Biota due to 2019 Goseong Forest Fire Gumsung Cheon, Heejin Moon, Jinhee Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0038 PDF A Study on the Occurrence of Racoon Dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) Roadkill Using the Korea Roadkill Observation System Euigeun Song, Kihyun Kim, Sehee Kim, Hanbi Lee, Jiyoun Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0061 PDF GeoAI Dataset for Urban Water Body Detection Using TerraSAR-X Satellite Radar Imagery Eu-Ru Lee, Jun-Hyeok Jung, Ki-Chang Kim, Seong-Jae Yu, Hyung-Sup Jung DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0046 PDF Assessment of the Usability of the Linkage between GLORIA and Sentinel-2 Imagery for the Surveillance of Algal Blooms in Freshwater Ecosystems Gibeom Nam, Sunghwa Choi, Euiho Hwang, Kimook Kang, JinGyeom Kim, DongHyeon Yoon DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0044 PDF Deep Learning Training Data for Phase Unwrapping of SAR Interferograms Won-Kyung Baek, Hyung-Sup Jung DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0051 PDF Solar Energy Datasets of Deep Learning Models Incorporating with GK-2A and ASOS Ground Measurements Jong-Sung Ha, Seungtaek Jeong, Seyun Min, Yejin Lee, Suhwan Kim, Doehee Han, Jong-Min Yeom DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0036 PDF GeoAI Dataset for Urbanized Area Segmentation from Landsat 8/9 Satellite Imagery and GEMS Sung-Hyun Gong, Hyung-Sup Jung, Geun-Han Kim, Geun-Hyouk Han, Il-Hoon Choi, Jin-Sung Hong DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0053 PDF Evaluation of Residual Phase from Orbit Accuracy Using TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X SAR Observation Yeojin Kim, Sang-Hoon Hong DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0039 PDF Data on Time-series Observation of Ground Subsidence in South Korea Using Sentinel-1 SAR Observations Chanuk Lee, Jeongheon Ju, JangHun Kang, Seowon Kim, HeeJin An, Yuna Hong, Seokyeong Hwang, Sang-Hoon Hong DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0048 PDF Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry Based Dataset of Halophyte Distribution in Jujin Estuary Donguk Lee, Yeongjae Jang, Joo-Hyung Ryu, Hyeong-Tae Jou, Keunyong Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0012 PDF Drone-based 3D High-resolution Imagery for Barrier Island in Nakdong River Estuary Sung-Hwan Park, Nam-Hoon Kim, Jun-Yong Park, Eui-Young Jeong DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0040 PDF Complete Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Malacocottus gibber from the Deep-sea of the East Sea, Korea Yo-Soon Jang DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0049 PDF Distribution of Legally Protected Mammals in South Korea Based on Post-environmental Impact Assessment over 5 Years: 2017-2021 Sunmin Lee, Jinhee Lee, Moung-Jin Lee, Jeong-Cheol Kim DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0045 PDF Classification of Subdivision Land Use and Land Cover Using Deep Learning Models Bongseok Jeong, Sunmin Lee, Moung-jin Lee DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0059 PDF GeoAI Dataset for Training a Deep Learning-based GEMS Snow Detection Model Jin-Woo Yu, Jun-Hyeok Jung, Kyoung-Hee Kang, Yong-Mi Lee, Hyung-Sup Jung DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0060 PDF Atmospheric and Ozone Profiling Data Measured with Ozonesonde from 2021 to 2024 Hyungyu Kang, Hyeong-Gyu Kim, Joowan Kim, Taehyoung Lee, Ja-Ho Koo, Sang-Seo Park, Yongjoo Choi, Won-Jin Lee, Sun A Shin, Jinsoo Park DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.0041 PDF Erratum Erratum to: Distribution Status for the Plants of Alien Species on the Baekdudaegan Protected Area, South Korea Hyungsoo Seo, Hyun-Su Hwang, Hyun-Chul Shin, Daeun Kim, Donghui Choi, Youngjun Park DOI: http://doi.org/10.22761/GD.2024.e002 PDF Editorial Office#816, 8-13, Gwangpyeong-ro 56-gil, Gangnam-gu, 06367 Seoul, South KoreaTEL: +82-2-6677-5682 E-mail: geodata@gaidas.org Copyright © GeoAI Data Society. 2025-01-08
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